LET'S WORK together

Do you want to get a deeper understanding of what's happening with your health?My team and I are here to help you find the root causes of what's really going on and will guide you through a holistic approach to bring back your joie de vivre.

LET'S WORK together

Do you want to get a deeper understanding of what's happening with your health? My team and I are here to help you find the root causes of what's really going on and will guide you through a holistic approach to bring back your joie de vivre.

How We Can Help

Our clinic has practitioners specialising in various therapies including herbal medicine, nutrition, Recall healing, iridology, family tree therapy, phototherapy, kinesiology and emotional release techniques to support you to rebalance your health.

Blending traditional naturopathic techniques, trauma resolution and evidence based functional medicine, we provide a holistic perspective  on healing.

From iridology readings to lab tests, we use different tools to help you find the answers to health concerns. We take a personalised approach to offer you the advice & guidance to feel better through natural solutions.

We work a lot with women’s health including fertility challenges, menopausal symptoms, PCOS, fibroids and menstrual cycle issues such as irregular, heavy, painful, or absent periods and PMS.

It’s common to see hormone imbalances related to liver and digestive health, female trauma, immune function, thyroid and stress. We would work on addressing symptoms whilst dealing with the root causes.

For in-person sessions, Izzy offers kinesiology which can be really helpful here as it allows us to dive deeper into emotional health and energetic blockages in the meridian system (based on Five Element acupuncture techniques).

For online sessions, our practitioner Alexandra can also help you connect the dots using Recall healing and emotional release techniques.

Hippocrates once said ‘All disease starts in the gut’.

We see this in practice as many of our clients have an underlying issue with digestion whether it be symptoms of bloating, intolerances, wind, pain, reflux, nausea, diarrhoea or constipation.

Fortunately, there are so many herbs that can support all aspects of gut health from gallbladder function, increasing stomach acid, reducing bacterial and yeast overgrowth and more. This can often remove the need for extreme elimination diets, however, we would look at how to use nutrition therapeutically too.

For in-person sessions, Izzy can use kinesiology to work on the ileocaecal valve which can also help resolve underlying gut issues.

For online sessions, Alexandra can use iridology and functional testing to get more insight into what could be happening as well as any emotional conflicts that cause things to become ‘indigestible’.

Common endocrine issues we work with include thyroid function such as Hashimoto’s or hypothyroidism, adrenal health including adrenal fatigue, diabetes and insulin resistance.

Issues around energy levels can be a common picture for many of these conditions and this is where natural medicine can be so helpful as it nourishes the bodies energy reserves rather than pushing them. Herbs can be combined with supportive lifestyle therapies to build resilience and vitality.

Our online practitioner, Alexandra, has a special interest in diabetes and has a lot of experience working with both Type 1 and Type 2.

Supporting our immune system can help so many issues.

Typically clients will have either an ‘under-active’ immune system dealing with chronic infections or an ‘over-active’ immune system dealing with allergies and auto-immunity.

From coughs to cystitis, I support people with naturopathic guidance for both prevention and acute issues.

We would also take a holistic approach to understanding why there is immune system dysregulation for example; underlying toxicity, gut health etc.

Our physical and emotional health are interconnected and it is very common to see improvements in issues such as anxiety or depression when we start to work on the body.

We use tools to support emotional aspects of people’s health combining Bach flower therapy, herbs, behavioural iridology, German New Medicine and tapping. This can also help in making connections between the emotional map of certain health issues.

We also work with some neurological issues which include headaches, migraines and insomnia.

This is another area where underlying disharmony may be disrupting our health from nutrient deficiencies, blood sugar imbalances to simply stress.

By spending time with our clients asking questions and using naturopathic diagnostics or lab tests then we can get to the bottom of what potentially is going on.

Cardiovascular health including blood pressure and cholesterol can often be helped through nutritional, herbal and lifestyle medicine.

There are a number of well-researched approaches using diet and herbs that can offer preventative as well as acute support for heart health.

We offer support with at-home monitoring of key markers such as heart rate variability, blood glucose and uric acid and can recommend further testing where required to understand some of the underlying drivers of inflammation such as toxicity, stress, hormones and deficiencies.


We work with the whole person which is why our journey begins by exploring your health through the Naturopathic Discovery Programme and/or the Emotional Discovery Programme. We work together over four sessions to understand the root cause of your issues and meet your health goals.

Go to the FAQ section to learn more or get started by filling out a quick form so we can arrange a call to see if we’re the right fit for you.


Naturopathic Foundations Programme

This is an introductory package of four consultations for all new clients who are looking to support their health using herbal and nutritional medicine.

We spend time getting to know you and your lifestyle and your health history to understand the underlying drivers of your health issues. In this way, we can find how to truly support your body back to health.

You will get a comprehensive health and lifestyle assessment, personalised nutrition and lifestyle protocols, bespoke herbal medicines and email support throughout.

The consultations can take place either in-person in Marylebone or Belgravia, SW London with Izzy or via Zoom with Alexandra.


  • Online:
    • One 90-minute initial consultation
    • Three 30-minute follow up consultations
    • Iridology and symptom analysis
    • Additional support via Voxxer
    • Personalised protocols after each consultation covering herbal, nutritional, naturopathic and if relevant, testing recommendations.
  • In person:
    • One 120-minute initial consultation and comprehensive health screening
    • Three 60-minute follow up consultations
    • Three 15-minute check-in calls
    • Iridology and symptom analysis
    • Kinesiology using muscle testing and body work
    • Personalised protocols after each consultation covering herbal, nutritional, naturopathic and if relevant, testing recommendations.

Recall Healing Programme

This is an introductory package of six consultations for all new clients who are looking to understand the emotional connections and inherited trauma that could be underlying their issues.

Alexandra will help you unlock the hidden stories governing your life from ancestral patterns to emotional conflict to support your healing journey.

The consultations will take place with Alexandra online.


  • One 90-minute initial consultation
  • Six 60-minute follow up consultations
  • Iridology Analysis
  • Family Tree Therapy
  • German New Medicine
  • Emotional Release
  • Guided homework
  • Additional support via Voxxer

Want to Find Out More? Let's Chat

Frequently Asked Questions

Before the consultation, we will send you a form to fill out covering background medical history and a symptom analysis questionnaire. This will be used to track key priorities and improvements.

Our first consultation takes an hour and a half online or two hours in person. During this time, we will ask lots of questions to help us build a complete picture of your health.

We use naturopathic diagnostic techniques such as muscle testing (kinesiology) and looking at the eyes (iridology), tongue and nails. We also work with laboratories so you can access functional diagnostic tests.

Using clues from your diet, lifestyle and symptoms, combined with any necessary laboratory tests, the goal is to find the right plan for you. This is a collaborative process which involves time and patience.

Good question!

  • The online Naturopathic Foundations Programme is £500 with Alexandra Morarescu.
  • The online Recall Healing Programme is £600 with Alexandra Morarescu.

This can be paid in monthly instalments.

Please note for the Naturopathic Foundations Programme we will be recommending and formulating bespoke herbal medicines for you. Herbal medicines usually cost between £40-£70 per month.

We may also make supplement or testing recommendations. This can all be adjusted to your budget. You can learn more about testing here.

As with anything, it will vary by person, so we will try to develop a roadmap once understanding your specific case.

However, let’s start with my general experience.

So in my experience, I find that many people will quickly  notice a difference in their symptoms. This can be life-changing in itself. Some clients come to me to resolve a specific issue and that can be quite quick. However, most people have a long list of issues that they want to work on and other things can take longer to shift.

Or perhaps they find that they feel better but under a period of stress or illness certain symptoms return. So it can take longer to build that overall resilience.

I like the analogy that my mentor shared with me- imagine your health like a bank account. When ill you are in your health overdraft and whilst the first goal is to move you back into current account but the ultimate goal is to move into your health savings account.

Another good analogy is that of doing up a house, you might just think you need an extension but then you find that the pipes need fixing and the roof is leaking! Our bodies are complicated  and the difference with naturopathy to conventional medicine is that we are trying to peel off the layers that have contributed to feeling like this in the first place. That could involve toxicity and deficiency that has built up over many years from poor diets, medications, stress, environmental exposure and trauma.

Usually it’s never just one thing so as you can imagine…it can take a bit of time to go this deep. Especially living in a world which unfortunately does not promote health.

However, in our consultations we’re also here to teach you about health, herbs and how you can use them to be your own healer!

We generally recommend tinctures which are extracts of herbs in alcohol. These are very easy to store and take as well as being highly therapeutic.

We may also provide herbs in the forms of teas, capsules, steams, aromatic waters, powders and creams.

We also use flower essences and homeobotanicals.

I studied for 7 years at the College of Naturopathic Medicine gaining 3 distinction level diplomas in herbal medicine, nutritional therapy and naturopathy which included iridology, Bach Flower remedies, tissue salts and detoxification.

The herbal medicine training was a rigorous four year programme including 500 hours of clinical training, medical diagnostics such as palpation as well as Ayurveda and Western humoral medicine. My dissertation explored the therapeutic use of silymarin (a compound found in Milk Thistle) for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

I am also qualified in kinesiology with The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology.

I am a member of the Association of Master Herbalists and the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT).

I adhere to a strict code of ethics, have full professional insurance and regulated by the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and the General Naturopathic Council (GNC).

I regularly participate in additional training and lead the education programme for the council for the Association of Master Herbalists.

Further training includes:

  • Behavioural Iridology with Andrew Mason
  • Using CBD Oil in Clinical Practice with Emma Dalton
  • Functional Medicine Mentoring with Tanya Borowski
  • Vitality Health Practitioner with John Ogden
  • Humoral Medicine with Steve Taylor
  • Women’s Health & Hormones with Matthew Wood & Phyllis Light
  • Vitalist Herbal Practitioner Programme with Saajah Popham
  • Cancer Care SL1 and SL2 with Xandria Williams
  • Introduction to Mycotherapy with Hifas Da Terra
  • Environmental Health Masterclasses with practitioners include Nicole Biljsma and Dr Mark Donohoe
  • Natural Fertility Masterclasses with practitioners including Angela Hywood and Kate Powe
  • Advanced Period Repair with Lara Briden

and much more!

You can learn about Alexandra here.

The Naturopathic Discovery Programme will include all our recommendations.

However, the cost of the recommendations such as herbal medicines, supplements and functional diagnostic tests are additional.

Functional diagnostic tests such as blood, hair and urine analysis are not always necessary. However, we will share any recommendations about testing following an initial consultation to see if it would be helpful for you.

For the Naturopathic Discovery Programme we recommend every 4 weeks and for the Emotional Discovery Programme it would be every 2 weeks. However, when there are complex health issues it may need to be more frequent.