We get a lot of questions about what tests we offer. So here is a brief overview of how it works.

We work with a number of laboratories that provide private testing so people can access clinical markers that may not be offered through the NHS. However, it can be expensive and may not always provide answers that are clinically relevant.

Our approach is always client-led rather than testing-led. Therefore, we will always start with your symptoms and medical history and only recommend tests after an initial consultation. Often we have enough information to build a naturopathic protocol without testing particularly when combined with diagnostic methods such as our Vitality screening, kinesiology, iridology and tongue diagnosis.

This is important because if there is limited budget then we prefer that people invest in the things that will make a difference to their health whether it is exercise classes, herbs or water filters- these things are more important as they make you feel better!

However, to get more answers then here are some tests that we may recommend or are requested by our clients.

There are pros and cons to many of these tests which we will talk about in our session but hopefully this gives an idea about what you can access.

  • Blood Tests
    • So many markers that can be reviewed in the blood that can give insights into both symptoms and causes of health issues. We recommend both finger-prick blood tests that can be performed at home which can give insights into certain nutrients, thyroid and sex hormones as well as more comprehensive panels that require a blood draw.
  • Hair Mineral Analysis
    • Originally developed by Victorian police in London to test for arsenic poisoning, this test has been developed to assess for toxic heavy metals and essential minerals. Hair analysis is non-invasive, inexpensive and allows for investigation of nutrient/toxic interactions. Studies confirm that long term exposure to toxic elements/minerals can progressively impair various enzymatic and neurologic processes, leading to a variety of health conditions.
  • Food Intolerance Testing
    • Food Sensitivity Testing that measure sensitivities to up to 176 different foods, colouring and additives using patented technology. It will also look at inflammation and gut permeability with the gut barrier panel that includes:
      • Candida – candida overgrowth in the stomach/dysbiosis as a precursor to leaky gut occurrence
      • Zonulin- a marker of intestinal permeability, otherwise known as leaky gut.
      • Occludin – a marker of tight junction stabilization and optimal barrier function.
      • Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) – elevated levels of antibody against LPS may be indicative of Leaky Gut Syndrome and other gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases.
  • DUTCH Test
    • The DUTCH test is commonly used to assess sex and adrenal hormones through dried urine. It is performed from the comfort of your home and doesn’t just measure hormones, but also something called “metabolites”, which are a measurement of hormone production and hormone breakdown. It can provide insights into conditions such as premenstrual syndrome, PMDD, PCOS, menopause, infertility, weight gain, fatigue, low libido, sleep issues and mood disorders in women. As well as infertility, weight gain, fatigue, low libido, sleep issues, mood disorders and prostate issues in men.
  • Immunity, Heavy Metals, Infections, Mould, Parasites & Candida
    • This is a big topic with lots of different kinds of tests to review these covering urine, blood, saliva, stool and hair. Commonly used would be organic acid testing to panels from labs such as Immunosciences, Armin labs and Cyrex. Generally, bio-energetic feedback machines and kinesiology can be helpful here.
  • Nutritional Status
    • Blood and hair can provide insights here and a popular test would be the NutrEval®  by Genova which is a blood and urine profile that evaluates over 125 biomarkers and assesses the body’s functional need for 40 antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, digestive support, and other select nutrients.
  • Microbiome Testing
    • Gut Microbiome includes comprehensive pathogens assay that include bacteria, parasites and H.Pylori antigen. The test shows a balance of beneficial bacteria and short chain fatty acid producers, markers of inflammation, digestions and absorption function.
    • Oral microbiome is a key ecosystem in the gut-brain connection, and for cardiovascular and female reproductive health.
    • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth is usually a breath test measuring the gut bacterial fermentation products hydrogen and methane assessing gut microbial activity.
    • Vaginal microbiome disruption has been linked to a multitude of disorders including Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), premature delivery in pregnant women, infertility, miscarriages and increased risk of sexually transmitted infections (STI’s).
  • DNA Testing
    • Nutrigenomic testing will look at the DNA to understand how the genetic make-up (‘SNPs’) can impact on health.