Are you craving chocolate or magnesium?


What does magnesium do?

Magnesium is an incredible mineral and like potassium and calcium is an electrolyte.  This means it is needed for our muscles, brains, nerves, heart, immune system to function.  In fact, magnesium is required for over 300 different functions in the body.  So magnesium deficiency can manifest in a wide range of symptoms that may surprise you. 

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in our body and it is estimated that over 50% of us do not have optimal levels of magnesium in our body! 

Magnesium can be found in high concentrations in the heart tissue because it regulates the hearts ability to beat. It acts as a calcium channel blocker, helping the heart pump more effectively.  Magnesium relaxes smooth muscle tissue and so can is often used to reduce cramping or pain. Increasing magnesium levels may lessen menstrual cramps by relaxing the uterus. Magnesium is also vital for energy production and required for transmission of nerve impulses.

What is magnesium good for?

Magneisum has been used therapeutically for relieving symptoms of or preventing

Alcoholism, angina, anxiety, asthma, hypertension, constipation, chronic fatigue syndrome depression, headaches, insulin resistance, insomnia, insecurity, lower back pain, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, premenstrual tension, restless legs syndrome, vertigo, stroke prevention, kidney stones, irregular heartbeat, vertigo.

How much magnesium do I need?

RDA is 400mg/day for men and350 m/g day for women.

How do I know I need magnesium?

Do you get cold hands and feet?  Magnesium deficiency may cause or be associated with poor circulation!

Reduce magnesium can be associated with psychological symptoms such as confusion, depression, poor concentration, irritability, vertigo and even IQ loss!

Magnesium deficiency can be a hidden cause of insomnia and chronic fatigue.

Chocolate is high in magnesium so is often recommended for PMS as it can help reduce symptoms and might be why many women crave it round their period!

More indications for low magnesium include palpitations, poor growth, cramps, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems. If you want to stay young- magnesium can help reduce premature ageing! 

Magnesium deficiency is characterized by mental confusion, irritability, weakness, heart disorders, muscle contraction, nerve conduction. Muscle cramps, headaches, loss of appetite, insomnia and predisposition to stress. 

Things you need to know about magnesium

Unfortunately all the favourite activities such drinking alcohol and coffee or eating high fat and sugary foods can decrease your magnesium levels.

Food processing refines out a lot of magnesium many Westerners do not meet the RDA. 

Magnesium is also used up during exercise and emotional stress.Many people may not be aware that medications such as corticosteroids and the contraceptive pill can also reduce magnesium 

Where can I find magnesium?

  • Almonds, peanuts and cashews 
  • Barley, rice and wheat
  • Cod, salmon, mackerel and eggs
  • Cocoa and molasses
  • Figs, avocadoes, raspberries and bananas
  • Kelp, leafy greens, broccoli and parsnips 
  • Lima beans, kidney beans, chick peas and black beans
  • It is absorbed well through the skin so would also recommend having magnesium chloride salt baths or using a magnesium spray.