You can have too many bananas!

What does potasssium do?

Potassium, like sodium and chloride, has an electrical charge making it capable of conducting electricity so is also known as an electrolyte.

Electrolytes control  osmosis, the movement of water from outside into the cell. They also maintain the acid-alkaline balance which is required for cellular activity and carry electrical currents travel down nerves allowing muscles to contract and release hormones and neurotransmitters along the way. 

When stressed (in fight or flight mode) potassium is excreted and sodium spared to maintain blood pressure and volume so if injured we don’t collapse in shock. Therefore, chronic stress can deplete potassium.

What is potassium good for?

Potassium has been used therapeutically for relieving symptoms of or preventing:

Adrenal hypertrophy, adrenal exhaustion, diabetes, diarrhoea, cramps, heart disease, hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, premenstrual tension, stroke prevention.

How much  potassium do I need?

RDA is 2-5mg per day.

How do I know I need potassium

Potassium deficiency is very severe and can interfere with heart function triggering a heart attack. 

The early warning signs are muscle weakness and cramping.

However, too high potassium can also affect the heart rhythm. 

Chronic stress depletes our nutrients and potassium is particularly at risk.

Things you need to know about potassium

High sodium increases excretion of potassium and vice versa. Many people have far higher sodium than potassium levels due to increased consumption of processesd foods.

Caffeine, diuretics and laxatives also increase the loss of potassium.

Where can I find potassium?

  • Avocados, apricots, cantaloupe, lima beans, raisins, bananas, peaches
  • Parsnips, potatoes, artichokes, broccoli, tomatoes, pinto beans, sweet potatoes, parsley
  • Sardines, flounder, milk, liver